Rural Agricultural Technology Extension System

2023 Workshop on RATES (improvement of Rural Agricultural Technology Extension System in Asia)

Project was organized by the Rural Development Administration (RDA) and the Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI) during 24-28 April 2023 at the International Technology Cooperation Centre of RDA at Jeonju, Republic of Korea. RATES project is implemented in 12 countries in Asia during 2023-2025. These countries include: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Mangolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) is a partner in this initiative and the Asia Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS) is representing GFRAS in this initiative. Rasheed Sulaiman V and Siti Amanah represented APIRAS in this workshop. The workshop started with two key note presentations, one by Rasheed Sulaiman V, Director CRISP and Focal Point APIRAS and the other by Song Young-Sup, Former President, Chungbuk Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Korea.
During this inception workshop, the Principal Investigators of the participating countries presented the results of the background analysis and the proposed interventions aimed at improving the extension and advisory services delivery in the respective countries through RATES project.
The participants also visited the Agricultural Science Hall in RDA: the Rural Human Resource Development Centre: Jeoennam Agricultural Research & Extension Services and Damyang Agricultural Development and Technology Centre.
Our special thanks to Hwang-Yong Kim, Secretary General AFACI Secretariat; Roh Hyeong IL, Director, Extension Planning Division, Extension Services Bureau, RDA; Kim Min-Kyeong, AFACI Senior Deputy Secretary General, AFACI Secretariat and Mr. Lee Dongjin, Coordinator, AFACI for their valuable guidance and support in organising this inception workshop. We also thank Dr. Park Soo-Yun, Deputy Secretary General and other coordinators, Ms. Kim JI Soo, Ms. An Yunju, and Ms. Lee Eunsil for their support to this event.