FAO-New Zealand

FAO + New Zealand Advancing food security and resilience

In recent years, New Zealand’s strategic support of various FAO normative and technical projects has proven its commitment towards food security and agricultural development.

Pacific Island Breadfruit | Market & Marketing Study | Fiji & Samoa

Breadfruit is widely grown in the Pacific islands where it is often an integral part of traditional agroforestry systems. For more than a decade Fiji, Tonga and Samoa have been permitted to export fresh breadfruit to New Zealand, treated by the approved High Temperature Force Air (HTFA) quarantine treatment for fruit flies.

Fast-Tracking the SDGs Driving Asia-Pacific Transformations

As this report is published, the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before it hit, the Asia-Pacific region was progressing too slowly on delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Samoa

The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household).

Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management

Both women and men should be included in community-based marine resource management. To create an inclusive management process it is necessary to use deliberate and thoughtful and reflexive strategies that do not rely on or worsen existing power imbalances.
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Building Resilience in the Pacific: How ADB is Addressing Climate Change and Disaster Risks

this publication highlights ADB’s support to its 15 member countries in the Pacific in addressing climate change and disaster risks. ADB’s Pacific operations cover 15 developing member countries (DMCs). In support of the Pacific DMCs, ADB is mainstreaming climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management into its operations.
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Food Security in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific Countries: Prospects of Fisheries Development Strategies

The ongoing degradation of coastal ecosystems, overharvesting of valuable species, and climate change (including more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, increasing sea surface temperatures, and ocean acidification) are lowering the production of fish, which is the Pacific region’s primary source of protein.
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Climate Change, Food Security, and Socioeconomic Livelihood in Pacific Islands

Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands need to invest in the agriculture and fisheries sectors to improve their ability to combat the detrimental effects of climate change on food security and poverty.
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The Use of Financial Technology in the Agriculture Sector

The finance sector has a key role to play in allowing agriculture to contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction. A rapidly evolving technological landscape is opening up new possibilities to target and price credit, share risk, and harness information technology to expand agricultural productivity.
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Pacific Finance Sector Brief: Solomon Islands

This brief provides an overview of Solomon Islands’ finance sector, and discusses the key challenges and how they can be addressed. Solomon Islands has a relatively well-developed financial system that is dominated by four commercial banks.
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